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“Goodbye Queenstown!” I shouted with my head out the window and the wind in my hair.

We decided to take the crown range road. Mim our truck chugged valiantly up the steep winds and down the other side.

It was exciting!


We finally made it to Wanaka and set up in time for another extravaganza. I was sick but still managed to do all four shows a day.

On Saturday night we had a brilliant chocolate fondue party, Mummy somehow got chocolate spilt over her butt and Daddy “had” to lick it off. Embarrassing!

We have a tradition. Every morning our musician Karl plays revile while the gypsys (who ever can muster themselves) stand to attention saluting. In the evening its the last post.

Karl plays last post,


I met my old friends Vanessa and Vinne who I had played when I was five. We went out for dinner at their amazing giant house with lots of toys. the boys were in toy heaven! Whoops, when we came home we realised that we had left our two adorable Chihuahuas outside in the pouring freezing rain. They were shivering so much, so we snuggled them up against our bodies in bed.


I can see the awe inspiring snow capped Humbrolt mountain ranges reflecting of the aqua blue waters of lake Wakatipu.

I can hear the distant tumbling of waterfalls the twittering song of the birds and the occasional roar of a speeding jet-boat.

I can feel the crispy cool refreshing mountain air brushing my skin with her soft feathery fingers.

We spent a lovely four days in Glenorchy after our tiring social Extravaganza in Queenstown, our home town.

It was wonderful to catch up with my friends Sunny and Indigo, Charlie, Mia and Alise. Lots of people we knew came and visited us at the extravaganza which was held on my old school grounds at Q.P.S, below the Gondola.




Invercargill is one of the southern most cities in the world(southern most Mcdonalds, starbucks and burger king) hence Mick Jagger called it the asshole of the world.

Butt (heh, heh) in reality its fantastic! Queens Park is amazing. We set up in Queens Park on Friday. As it was raining many of the Gypsy’s got stuck in the boggy ground. It rains at some time on about 60% of the days of the year in Invercargill. We were lucky not to get stuck.

On Saturday night the boys had their forth birthday party. Their actual birthday was on Halloween the following Monday.

On Saturday the whole entire Extravaganza dressed up in pirate costume just for them!

Cutting the cake Auntie Sheryl made for the boys. It was so nice to see Auntie Sheryll and Uncle Pete.

Making lots of paper darts at the party.

Launching the darts from the top deck of the Mel’s and Jonas’s mother ship.

On Sunday morning we went and picked up Mums new Chihuahua Pixie who is the size of Mums hand!

Pixie. Sooo cute!




Thousands of Butterfly’s flittered  and fluttered around me, sometimes landing on my hair and hands. It was a kaleidoscope of colours!

The Butterfly enclosure at the Dunedin museum is the perfect place to go if you love Butterfly’s.

Dallas and Jaz loved the Butterfly’s.

Discovery world fired up my imagination with all its cool activities.

On the way to Dunedin we stopped for a night at Moeraki. Dad carried me out on to the boulders for this photo.

Hey those waves are looking big!!


The Extravaganza set up in the Oval in Dunedin on Friday and went all the way until Monday, a three day Extravaganza.

On Saturday we had a Fondue party and on Sunday we had a grand farewell pot luck for Anna and Keith.

On Monday a Photographer from the Otago daily times took a photo of me way up in my hoop and the next day I found myself on the front page of the newspaper. To see the full article visit this link

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Victorian precinct Oamaru

I close my eyes. I can hear the rattle of carriages and the clip clop of horse hooves, the stall holders calling out their wares, the chit chat of ladies as they stroll down the street shopping and the loud banter of men as they smoke their pipes.

The hustle and bustle of old Oamaru is still preserved by the beautiful Oamaru stone buildings with their carved facades.

Purples pirate den. Purple is a super creative gypsy who has a shop in the Victorian precinct.

On Friday we set up in the Victorian precinct. We were so excited because the Extravaganza was right next to a colony of the worlds smallest penguins, the little Blue. Whats more, just across the road was an awesome steam punk playground.

We wandered the cobbled streets and went to a de-lish ice cream parlour with home made ice cream. They even had Licorice flavour.

Also there is this totally suggestible book shop called slightly foxed second hand books. Last but definitely not least there is the steam punk Museum. The portal was my favorite exhibit.

The gypsy kids hit the streets.