Greymouth to Nelson

Greymouth (as usual) lived up to its name. The weekend loomed rainy and grey and we were grumpy and tired. The silver lining was…….. Pizza and movie night, featuring the greatest showman!!!!! On Saturday night there was a break in the weather and we scoffed pizza and snuggled down in the bean bags to watch the movie. We left the grounds Sunday night and booted it all the way up to Murchison, arriving late and falling exhausted into bed.

Monday morning Dad drove the truck up to Nelson for its C.O.F, which it failed. Mean while Mum the boys and I speed to Mot (Motueka), I was out of the car before it had even stopped “Bye Mum” off for a sleep over at one of my best friends Jasmines house.

Poor Daddy!

I spent a beautiful three days at my beloved Steiner school, reconnecting with my class and mt amazing teacher Margot, bliss! Mean while poor Daddy underwent a two and a half hour operation in Nelson hospital to remove his nasal polyps, bulbous fatty things that grew on the inside of his sinus’s. The nice surgeon minced them up and sucked them out his nose, poor Daddy!


Friday we setup in Nelson on new grounds, ready for a pumping Extravaganza. Not! Every year when we are in Nelson there is so much going on that our fair always seems abandoned. We did a half Circus without Dad as he was convalescing, just the pole, hoop and trapeze it went well considering the boys refused to practice our new little show. It was a bit of a betting game but in the end it was successful and fun.

Dressed up for the movies!

On Saturday night 41 dressed up wild Gypsies made their way across Nelson to the State cinema to watch Bohemian rhapsody, including me! The movie was super inspiring, but also sad that someone with such talent and personality was so alone, sad and had such a hard life.

Monday morning Mum had to drive me quick smart back to school for another 3 days, you’ve got to take opportunities when they come around and “Make the best of it!”. (Our family motto). Luckily for me I get the best of both worlds, I love road life and school life and I know I will see all my friends and school mates in the winter.

Wednesday night we drove to Graham valley with a new C.O.F. The next morning it was off to Cherryland!!! We go to Cherryland in Blenheim every year to load up on cherries at an excellent price. This year we got three buckets and ate as much as we could while picking them. Yum!

Ready to cross the strait.

Cherries and all we drove to Picton and boarded the Bluebridge ferry at 2pm(with about 10 other gypsy trucks and buses), sailing smoothly all the way to Wellington. We arrived later that scheduled at 6pm with luckily no cherry red mishaps. Ahhh, windy Wellington, its good to be back. We stayed the night with about 15 other gypsies at Lyall bay.

A fun and interesting couple of weeks. It was great to see my friends and class mates again and sad to say goodbye,but for me the Extravaganza lifestyle outclasses school any day. Tomorrow setup, this weekend Wellington. Bye!


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