
The Gypsy bakers have baked yet another delicious delicacy to sell on Saturday! Lemon cupcakes filled with lemon curd(as you can see I love lemons).

Last year in Invercargill we had two 30 degree days, sooo hot and sunny! But unfortunately this year the weekend was cold and overcast. I just hoped it wouldn’t rain on the boys birthday party on Saturday night, yet as Murphys law abides it did rain but only slightly.

The boys had a pirate themed party so the entire fair dressed up as Halloween pirates. That night we played lots of rowdy party games and ate junk food. Then it was cake time and the boys eyes nearly popped out of their heads when they saw what I had created!

I am so proud of them. After the party the silent disco started. My favorite! I danced with my head phones on until midnight. So much fun!!

Monday morning saw us tired but happy heading for Queenstown. We stopped in Winton to search for Minnie Deans grave. Minnie Dean is the only woman to have ever been hung in New Zealand. Her crime was infanticide. Times were tough and Minnie Dean started taking in unwanted children for money. Eventually she was caught, in her back yard were found three tiny bodies. Gruesome!


That night we arrived late and even more tired at 12 mile delta just past Queenstown. After schooling on Tuesday morning the social times began. Our first destination was the pole studio and Raha of course! Raha is Mum’s bestie. We trained and played then tumbled out for dinner at the Bombay palace.

“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!” Today is Wednesday and it is the boys proper birthday. Presents, pancakes and a gorgeous 4 hour walk around Mt Creighton loop track (A.K.A Sam summers hut track). We find nature grounds us after every frenzied fun filled weekend.


\Now its trick or treat time! Oh yeah, have I said the boys birthday is on Halloween? Awesome! Guess what their birthday theme will be for the rest of their lives?


Dallas and Jaz looking pretty uneasy.

We invited ourselves to go trick or treating with my friend Mia. I was nervous about meeting all of her friends, but it turns out I knew all of them anyway. Lake Hayes is prone to migrant trick or treaters from all over Queenstown. The spooky decorations let the hordes of sugar crazed trick or treaters know which houses had lollies. My brothers got so scared at one particularly spooky house that they ran down the path scattering their lollies in the process! From then on they were super timid about knocking. I meanwhile was off in the neighborhood gathering a massive haul of sweets, my Mum’s worst nightmare!

Candy here we come!

Thursday greeted us with school-work. “Yay.” In the afternoon Raha took the boys and I for their birthday treat, The Odessy sensory maze. Odessy is not really a maze, it’s a series of rooms filled with a-maze-ing things you can touch, hear, smell, see and overall enjoy. My favorite room was filled with balloons far over my head. Even if a person was right in front of you , you wouldn’t be able to see them and the very loud rustling of the balloons masked any small sounds. Perfect for hide and seek!

That night we sneaked onto the grounds at warren park. We put up our awning ready for 100km/hr winds and torrential rain.

What an awesome fun-filled week! Bring on the weekend! (just not the rain or the wind!) Bye!

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