Tag Archives: Cake

Cuba dupa!

“Ring  ring ring” finally ! The call had come from Jonas to drive onto Cuba street to set up for Cuba Dupa festival.

We drove onto a street just off Cuba street. There, were all of the gypsies parked on the pavement, setting up with concrete blocks to tie the straps for their awnings onto.

I was so excited . I stayed up till midnight, then fell asleep exhausted. I woke up early and peeped out my window. Yep, we were still way down town in wellington setting up!  “Oh my gosh, Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!” I was so excited!

The Extravaganza and Cuba dupa kicked off at 12pm, for 12 hours we sold our crystals, performed, danced, played and explored. Thousands of people thronged the streets, 4 stages pumped out music and shows. It was massive.

I fell asleep exhausted at midnight again, and woke up on Sunday to do it all again. This time from noon to 6pm.

We packed down on Sunday night and high tailed it to Lyle bay, happy and full of festival.

The next day we passed through Masterton briefly stopping at Nana and Pa’s to gather some firewood (Dads crazy about firewood, its’s his thing) and have a cup of tea.  After that we trucked on to Anzac park in Norsewood.

The next morning at 4am Dad left to go Deer hunting. We got up at a much more respectable hour. I spent a lovely morning baking a three layer lemon cake which was ready just in time for when Dad came home. It was Delicious!

Unfortunately Dad failed to catch anything.

Late that afternoon we drove to Haumoana, where we spent the rest of the short week before our four day Easter weekend in Anderson park Napier. Bye!