Tag Archives: Chihuahua


Oh no! Here they come! Nerf guns in hand, four little boys chase me around the house. What is wrong with me? I have been reduced to playing with little boys! Four of them!!!!! On Friday night we visited Dan and Nicole’s house for dinner. They are Mum and Dads friends from when they had a life before kids. They have two little boys my brothers age, they all get along very well. Unfortunately for me, it was pure torture!

We had a great weekend, sunny on Saturday and a bit cloudy on Sunday. Everything went smoothly. We watched the B.F.G on Saturday night, projected onto the stage outdoors, it was awesome!

Monday morning and yet again we forgot about Monday grumpy’s. But you can’t be grumpy for long when you go shopping for toys! It was another shopping Monday though this one was a lot more enjoyable. We went to the Warehouse for toys, Warehouse stationary for school equipment and Farmers for three new scooters! Best of all was the Book Barn in Chertsey. An entire barn full of books! Row upon row tempting me, teasing me! So when I came out I was laden with books of every kind. It was book heaven! After that we moved on to a park over property with two strangely friendly sheep. They even tried to get into our truck.

Funny, it smells like a dog, but…?

We stayed a night there then sped to Peel forest campground to school, play and relax. I even got to bake my first ever carrot cake. It was (as usual) delicious! The next morning was spent preparing for our walk. The plan was to climb “Little” Mt Peel / Huatekerekere(1311m). At one o’clock we started walking , our dogs being baby-sat by a gypsy (thanks Yani). From the car-park we looked up and saw the most massive mountain. That could not possibly be our destination!…But it was (Dad knew it, but he kept it to himself). After an agonizing FOUR hours we made it to the top! It was definitely worth it!

Home sweet home!

The view was so incredible, I can’t find the words to describe it.

Looking out over the world makes your soul soar and your mind clear. Usually I would fly up a track like that, but I was just recovering from a nasty cough and we hadn’t done many missions over winter, so it was a bit more challenging for me than it might have been. I was really proud of my brothers, they flew up the track making it look easy.

I’m at the top of the world!

After a beautiful sunset, darkness fell and with it came the lights of every town from Christchurch to Timaru. You would expect dark patches between the bright lights of the towns, in their place was the flashing strobe lights of hundreds of irrigation machines working until dawn, A man made wonder.  The shelter was in the perfect position to get the best out of the sunrise. Light flooded over the land, one by one extinguishing the lights of the night.

The walk down was a breeze. Literally! A hint of summer haunted the cool spring air. Summer is coming! Back at the truck we unpacked and drove to the new grounds in Timaru. Getting there on Thursday night made for an easy setup on Friday.




“Goodbye Queenstown!” I shouted with my head out the window and the wind in my hair.

We decided to take the crown range road. Mim our truck chugged valiantly up the steep winds and down the other side.

It was exciting!


We finally made it to Wanaka and set up in time for another extravaganza. I was sick but still managed to do all four shows a day.

On Saturday night we had a brilliant chocolate fondue party, Mummy somehow got chocolate spilt over her butt and Daddy “had” to lick it off. Embarrassing!

We have a tradition. Every morning our musician Karl plays revile while the gypsys (who ever can muster themselves) stand to attention saluting. In the evening its the last post.

Karl plays last post,


I met my old friends Vanessa and Vinne who I had played when I was five. We went out for dinner at their amazing giant house with lots of toys. the boys were in toy heaven! Whoops, when we came home we realised that we had left our two adorable Chihuahuas outside in the pouring freezing rain. They were shivering so much, so we snuggled them up against our bodies in bed.


Invercargill is one of the southern most cities in the world(southern most Mcdonalds, starbucks and burger king) hence Mick Jagger called it the asshole of the world.

Butt (heh, heh) in reality its fantastic! Queens Park is amazing. We set up in Queens Park on Friday. As it was raining many of the Gypsy’s got stuck in the boggy ground. It rains at some time on about 60% of the days of the year in Invercargill. We were lucky not to get stuck.

On Saturday night the boys had their forth birthday party. Their actual birthday was on Halloween the following Monday.

On Saturday the whole entire Extravaganza dressed up in pirate costume just for them!

Cutting the cake Auntie Sheryl made for the boys. It was so nice to see Auntie Sheryll and Uncle Pete.

Making lots of paper darts at the party.

Launching the darts from the top deck of the Mel’s and Jonas’s mother ship.

On Sunday morning we went and picked up Mums new Chihuahua Pixie who is the size of Mums hand!

Pixie. Sooo cute!