Tag Archives: Christchurch

From Blenheim to Ashburton

Hi! So this blog is a summary of the start of the season, Blenheim, Nelson, Christchurch & Ashburton. It has been crazy busy, but super fun!

Our first fair was in Blenheim. It was soooooo great to see my Gypsy family again! After lots of hugging and “Wow you’ve grown so much!” & “Dammit your taller than me!” & “How was your winter?” we setup the fair. Sadly as it was still level 2, we could not perform our shows yet to the public. So we performed them on Friday to the gypsy’s instead. They loved them!

Daddy Clown figuring out how to use the phone😂

The rules of level two state, that any performance or entertainment where people sit or stand close together for any period of time, has to be less then 100 people. But if it’s a market where people are walking and moving around, then the coronavirus “won’t spread”. Obviously its ridiculous, but that’s the rules unfortunately.

We spent that week at Kina beach, chilling and practicing our shows for the weekend. We love Kina, the sound of the sea lapping against the stony beach, the way that at night you can see all the way across the bay to Nelson, the rope swing over the muddy stream that is the confluence of kids.

Bess the lovely journalist and Martin the friendly Photographer came on Tuesday, to interview us for an Ashton family article, about our lives on the road. It comes out in November, so I shall put the link on Gypsygirl then.

Thankfully we went down to level one for the Nelson fair, so we were able to preform our shows to all our friends from Motueka. The new shows went smoothly…. just kidding! We were quite overwhelmed as we hadn’t preformed to large audiences for 6 months, we forgot props and made mistakes, but the audience still loved it😅. By the end of the day I was a wreck! Life on the fair is intense, but we love it!

Show selfies😘

In the week after the Nelson fair, us and some of the other gypsies headed for the Waima river mouth sand dunes. When we got there the fist thing we did was get stuck. Dad had to spend three hours (!!!) jacking the truck up, and placing heavy blocks of wood underneath, where would we be without you daddy bear! We stayed for one night/two days then carried on to bike the Haumuri bluff walk.

As you will see in the video it’s an idyllic ride along the sea, the only down side was that the path was covered with large stones, that made the biking part itself rather unenjoyable! Nevertheless I loved the view, and the seals! We spent all of the next day at Hanmer springs soaking in the hot pools. Unfortunately a change in the timing of our tour, meant that we arrived in the school holidays, when Hanmer was at its busiest! Aggghhh! Us gypos hate waiting in queues! So we had to satisfy ourselves with just soaking, no waiting in a queue of impatient shivering kids for twenty freezing minutes for the hydro slides, NO thank you!!!

Christchurch fair was fun, busy and super hot! That weekend we got into the swing of things again, we preformed the shows beautifully😁. Dad and I went out on Saturday with Lime scooters, for our annual father daughter date at Sweet Soul Patisserie, YUMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!

A twist of Cappuccino flavour and Peanut butter mousse & a Hagley Cherry Blossom treat!!!🍒🌸🥜
Stuffed with real fresh cherry’s!! 🍒

For the week in-between Chch and Ashburton we decided to head over the hill to Akaroa. Akaroa is a small town on the Banks Peninsula, it is known for its French heritage, so there is the most delish French bakery. I could eat a thousand almond croissants🥐🥖🥐🥖🥐🥖🥐🥖😍!!!! By chance my godmother Sunny sky and her daughter Indigo were on a road trip together and had come over to Akaroa, we spent the week with them exploring the bay.

Banks Peninsula | Land Information New Zealand (LINZ)
Banks Peninsula and Akaroa Harbor

The first thing we did was walk through town, check out the museum and have lunch (for me an almond croissant & a nutella crêpe😁) then we went up the road to the Giants house. The Giants house is a historic Akaroa house full of beautiful artworks, terraced gardens with stunning sculptures, mosaics and ceramics, all made by artist Josie Martin. Josie brought the house 23 years ago. She loves gardening and was digging in the garden 20 years ago when she found shards of lovely old china, buried because there was no rubbish collection in those early days. She saved it up and decided to try mosaicing the front step, then she did the conservatory, then the pathway, then turned the whole garden into a wonderful sculptural installation!

Josie Martin
On the way there we stopped in at a beautiful old wooden church, Dallas read us a page of the bible😂
the Giant’s House
Our beautiful Sunny Sky!
Kings and Queens
We went for a walk up a hill and guess what we found!
The open savannas of Akaroa🦒

We have a friend in Akaroa called Pip, Mum and her used to work together at Hackett bungy in Queenstown, twenty years ago! The last time we saw her I was 7 and the boys were 6 moths old. As it so happens she has a job at the Black Cat Dolphin Cruises, and as it so happened we got on free! We’ve got friends in high places😁.

The tour was stunning! We saw five Hectors dolphins, which was unusual as they normally travel in groups of two or even one, only occasionally do they join forces with others. Like always Dallas puked, which left him with a large appetite for the fish and chips afterwards. There’s nothing like boating then eating seafood! Thanks Pip for the free cruise!!

Government plan to protect Maui and Hector's dolphins called a 'pathway to  extinction' | Stuff.co.nz
The Hectors dolphin🐬
Hector's dolphin size.svg
The size comparison of the Hectors dolphin to a human

Hector’s dolphin is the smallest dolphin species. They are known for their rounded dorsal fin, in the tour guides words “Imagine Micky Mouse’s ears on a dolphin”

Ashburton fair was quite cold and not too busy, but our shows were the best we’ve done yet!

Not impressed😂

I hope you enjoyed this post from Blenheim to Ashburton. Until next time😘!

Love Dylan Daisy❤


Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Jezz! What a lot of hi’s and hugs to give! Greeting everyone on the Extravaganza is no easy task. It was great to see everyone again.

That night I realized just how much I missed my friends from school. Leaving them was hard in the first place, but now they are gone it was worse than I had expected. It felt like a dull ache, especially now that Tiwai and Lettie are not coming until Timaru (two fairs away). Oh well I’m just going to have to suck it up and “make the best of it!”(our new family motto).

That weekend was the busiest start of season anyone has ever seen. And it was sunny!

                 A visit from the Wizard of New Zealand and the new Wizard of Christchurch.

We forgot about grumpy Mondays and boy did it hit us hard! We grumped our way around the city doing jobs and visiting op-shops, going to the Margret Mahy playground and picking up our new car.

Finally we made it to the New Brighton working men’s club (not glamorous at all!) and bunkered down for a wild stormy night.

Opps! I forgot one important detail. On their way to Christchurch for the Extravaganza Mels and Jonas’s bus caught fire in Wellington! They arrived back from dinner out to find the inside of their bus on fire, with their two Chihuahua’s trapped inside! They managed to quickly put the fire out and save the dogs. Mels had to give Izzy (the puppy) mouth to nose resuscitation, luckily she survived. Everyone came out almost unscathed apart from a few burns. They had to throw everything out. Completely strip out the bus!

OK back to us. The next day we moved onto Rakia gorge camp ground. Unfortunately it was right next to a loud under construction bridge, nothings perfect! I had developed a rather nasty cough, so when we went for a four hour walk I only did half an hour. Dad took me back to the truck while Mum and the boys carried on.

After that failed adventure we drove twenty minutes down the road to Te awa awa rata reserve, a favorite with the gypsies. We found all of the Lucky star crew fixing up the mother ship, (Mels and Jonas’s bus) so we gave them our moral support. Dad went hunting and shot a Red deer. Well done Daddy. The boys played with Koco (Mels daughter) and I made a delicious Lemon cake. We stayed at that peaceful haven for two nights, then sped off Friday morning for setup.

What a brilliant first week! Bye!

Christchurch Extravaganza

Late at night we arrived at the Christchurch working-mans club right next to the fair grounds and parked there also were Tiwai and Lettie! It was so good to see them again! We went to sleep and woke up buzzing with excitement, today was set-up for the Extravaganza! Driving into the grounds I raced outside and gave everyone hugs and kisses.

Then started the bustle of activity, just like Bees they buzzed around doing their busy Bee business, setting-up for the weekends Extravaganza! The weekend flashed by in a daze of new shows, wild romps and ended dramatically with most of the big trucks getting stuck including us! Again. Luckily we heaved on out leaving a trail of mud and destruction behind us.

For two days we stayed at the working-mans club playing with snails and an old shopping trolley.

                                                   Portable snail farm fun.


Then we moved on to Mount Huts Awa Awa Rata reserve which was home to some great bush walks through native bush.

                                   Foggy above the bush line at Mt hutt.

All and all Christchurch was an awesome start to the season and a great fair. See you next weekend in Ashburton.