Tag Archives: Dylan Daisy

East cape and Gisborne

Marae’s , majestic Maori carvings, expansive ocean, rocky cliffs, winding roads, so many horses, dilapidated houses, rusty broken cars and staunch friendly people.


House for rent. cheap!

This is what I saw out of our truck window while traveling the east cape.

When the locals heard about hotmail they realised they had to move with the times!

We traveled the east cape with Tiwai, Lette and Simone. We spent the first night at Waiou bay where we went to the Pub(the one from the movie boy) for dinner. Yum!

Afterwards we made a movie called girl.

The next day we moved onto East cape. We stayed at a beautiful camp ground(paddock) next to the roaring sea. That night it poured with rain. Drip, drip, drip, my roof leaks!  In the morning the sun broke out as we drove to the East cape lighthouse.

All on the road to east cape.

As Dad walked backwards to get this shot we all heard a loud “Bugger!”

Meeting a friendly local.

We had to walk up 800 steps to get to the light house!

A view worth 800 steps. As east as it gets.

I love churches! (I am not religious). We went to the Tiki Tiki church on our way to Anarua bay. I was so surprised to find a church completely filled with beautiful Maori designs. This church is a must see.

Anarua bay is a lovely place to stop. We stayed there a night and in the morning I did my school work then played and played at the awesome beach with Tewai, Lette and my brothers.

Finally we made it to Gisborne where we set up for another Extravaganza. On Saturday night we had a Goat potluck. It was Delicious.

Helen Stokes, the lady who kindly gave us her late Husband Murry’s magic props came to visit us at the Extravaganza and watched our magic show. Later she told us she had not been sure how she would feel to see his props in action again. Happily she found it wonderful to see them being used once more. Dad and I were delighted to have her come along.

                                         Helen Stokes visiting us at the Extravaganza.

That weekend was very hot and quite tiring. We all got quite grumpy, but all in all it was a lovely week/weekend.

Papamoa / Sundaise

Oi !Oi! Oi! Punk party! Riley had a punk party to celebrate his ninth birthday. It was Awesome! Punk is is a vicious vulgar society of people who are anarchists.

On the Monday after Papamoa we climbed Mt Maunganui. The veiws from the top are so beautiful. The horizon stretched out before us. On one side is the great wide ocean and on the other the sprawling city of Tauranga.

Top of Mt Manganui

This week we were off to the Sundaise music festival with the whole Extravaganva. Hipsy called up on Monday saying we have to get onto the grounds early because of the forcast for torrential rain. So we went in on Tuesday. It was a quiet rainy week helping set up for the weekends festival. On Friday as the people started arriving the heavens opened and it started to rain hard.That night we went to sleep never expecting what was to come…

It was midnight when Mum and Dad woke us up saying that the river had broken its banks and we have to get to safety! By that time the river was already rushing past our truck. We hopped aboard the adults backs as they took us to Ange and Thornys truck which was safe… for a while. All the other kids went there too, we were all white faced and wide eyes shivering from the shock of it all. Then we evacuated to a hay barn on the other side of the river. So many families were squished into that one barn it was unbelievable, while outside it was raining hard.

We stayed there for about three hours, then the river retreated back into its banks. We were able to go home. When we looked at the clock it was 3am! We had a big toast feed then went to sleep at last.

In the morning we woke up, opened the curtains and looked shell-shocked out the windows at the floods devastation. That was so so so scary.  I have never been in a disaster before.




Hamilton and beyond.

Hamilton was a bustling busy hot fair and lots of fun.

After that we went to Opal springs where we soaked in the lovely hot pools. On Tuesday we had an adventure. We walked all the way up to the top of Waiwera falls. My little brothers did the first half of the walk to the waterfall viewing platform. They loved it. I was so proud of them.

Dad and I climbed another 45 minutes to the top of the falls. The Hauraki plains fanned out below us while the waterfall roared in our ears. The walk climbed through dense greenery, over rocky boulders and up winding stairs. It made me so happy to be out in nature again.

We popped by Plumbers point for a night and harvested some more Avocados, then onward  to Memorial park Tauranga where Circus Aotearoa  was set up in their big top. That night we went to the Circus! The acts were so inspiring my hands were sore and red from clapping by the end of it. I decided then and there that I wanted to be in the Circus. Ha ! I already am!  Phew, What a busy week now onto Papamoa.



Sadly the Rotorua fair was canceled due to heavy rain bogging up the grounds.

So we went to Splore to perform our circus show to the pumping crowds! Splore is a big commercial music festival held at Tepapa-kanga regional park near Auckland. It was such a long queue to get in, we crawled along stopping and starting every few meters. We didn’t mind though, we were having fun in our circus costumes!

We had a bit of a “star-wars” moment, just as the storm troopers/security guards were about to search our truck a lady came striding over to us saying”We have been waiting for you! We have a parking space saved. We need to get you off the road. We will have to skip the security check!” This saved Dad from having to use his “Jedi powers”. Our contraband was safely smuggled in, chiefly our two Chihuahuas among other things….

The camp area was a ten minute walk from the festival stages, so it was nice and peaceful. The moment we parked up for the night it started raining. We woke up to 16,000 feet(8000 people) squelching through a sea of mud. I thought it was a little bit too muddy and crowded. For such a big festival the kids area was surprisingly small, just one little tent. But still it was fun making badges.

Dad went mud sliding in the lucky star zone and came out looking like a mud monster, so we went and washed off in the sea.

That night I danced on the lucky star stage, it rocked!

In the end we did not perform at Splore. We literally could not find a flat place that was not mud!

MIM gets a helping hand out!

That week we went to Te Aroha and met our cousins at the holiday park where there is an amazing adventure playground and a gigantic flying fox.

Oh my! I almost forgot about the pools. They have three pools, a small hot pool a small cold kids pool, and a big deep cold pool.

Next we go to Hamilton!


“Who farted” I asked as we drove through Rotorua on our way to Taupo for a two day Extravaganza without Mum.

Set up and pack down was hard without Mum but Dad, the boys and I battled through it together. I ran the shop for dad while he made lunch and did jobs.

Unfortunately we could not do any circus shows because Mum was not there. So the boys got to relax and play all weekend while I did two magic shows each day. In one of my magic shows I stuffed up and forgot to pack the ribbon box, I’ll make sure not to do that again!

Adorable! Tiwai and Lette’s new kitten is soooo cute. Her name is Baba Kittylitter/Shadow. She is black allover and very small and sweet.

On Monday Mum came back from NZ summer pole camp, it was so exciting! She was all pumped and muscly! She brought chocolate mice, cats and frogs with her. They are so delicious!

After Taupo we met up with family at Whakamaru reserve alongside a dam on the Waikato river.

Uncle Brent, Auntie Daniela and my cousins Dominic (5 years old) and Samantha(2 years old) camped next to our truck. We dug paddling pools and made mountains.

We shifted a lot of sand! Dominic and the twins had a blast. Cute little Samantha adored me, She loved my love heart sun glasses.


Later that week we went to the Waikete thermal valley hot pools and soaked while it bucketed cats and dogs on us. Very relaxing!

Also there we went for a short walk to the biggest up-welling of boiling hot water in the country.

Next comes Rotorua famous for its stinky stench!


We arrived at Plummers point reserve near Tauranga late and exhausted.

Mum wanted to hide but I wanted to go see Tiwai and Lette because they have been away for weeks. I won and got to meet them down the road at the wharf for an awesome and refreshing swim.

We were parked next to towering Avocardo trees and Tangelo trees dripping with fruit which we harvested and made sweet juice from the Tangelos.

We collected a huge fish bin of Avocardos for all the hungry Gypsies.

We did a three day Extravaganza at Memorial park Tauranga. It was awesome because we were parked right next to the Mega slide the biggest inflatable water slide in NZ!

Image result for mega slide nz

Performing in the blazing heat was challenging because it made my hoop slippery. That week the time came for Mum to leave for the New Zealand summer pole camp in Queenstown. I was sad when she left but hoped she would have a great time.

The Auckland region

We spent three weeks in the Auckland region it was very hot , busy and tiring!

Did you know that a third of the country live in Auckland? That would be 1.5 million, a lot of people huh?

We spent three days at Shelly beach on the Kaipara harbor, where the Great white sharks go to breed. So Mum was a bit nervous swimming.


We went fishing off the wharf with our Christmas fishing rods and caught 6 Kawai. Tasty!

Next we moved off to Matakana. We set up at the stables where there were lots of beautiful horses and a great playground!

It was the first weekend that was hot enough to enjoy our new Christmas swimming pool. Also Koco had her birthday party.

Following Matakana we went to Te Ari which is where the festival called Shipwrecked is held. Some other Gypsies went there too. The center piece off the site is a large timber boat hull upturned to make a shelter and sound shell for the piano positioned beneath it.

We also went swimming in the warm man made lake. It was really quite relaxing after our busy weekend.

Next it was off to Orewa where we were interviewed for the Rodney times, they did a good article on us which we hoped would promote the Extravaganza.

Gulf Harbor was that weeks hangout with a stingray to pat and snapper and king-fish to feed.

On Tuesday we caught the ferry to Auckland city where we drove to Kelly Taltons underwater world by shark bus. Later we took a bus to K road and walked down Queen street. We ate in restaurants all day, it was awesome!

Auckland saw the Extravaganza at Blockhouse bay. We set up at Craigavon park which is a lovely dog park with an awesome playground. We did three days of Extravaganza and had a lot of fun dressing up and playing. I had a bad situation with an adult who was not cool at all.       You know, not all adults deserve respect, they don’t just automatically get it just because we are kids. They need to earn it. Some Adults don’t deserve respect.


“Goodbye Queenstown!” I shouted with my head out the window and the wind in my hair.

We decided to take the crown range road. Mim our truck chugged valiantly up the steep winds and down the other side.

It was exciting!


We finally made it to Wanaka and set up in time for another extravaganza. I was sick but still managed to do all four shows a day.

On Saturday night we had a brilliant chocolate fondue party, Mummy somehow got chocolate spilt over her butt and Daddy “had” to lick it off. Embarrassing!

We have a tradition. Every morning our musician Karl plays revile while the gypsys (who ever can muster themselves) stand to attention saluting. In the evening its the last post.

Karl plays last post,


I met my old friends Vanessa and Vinne who I had played when I was five. We went out for dinner at their amazing giant house with lots of toys. the boys were in toy heaven! Whoops, when we came home we realised that we had left our two adorable Chihuahuas outside in the pouring freezing rain. They were shivering so much, so we snuggled them up against our bodies in bed.


I can see the awe inspiring snow capped Humbrolt mountain ranges reflecting of the aqua blue waters of lake Wakatipu.

I can hear the distant tumbling of waterfalls the twittering song of the birds and the occasional roar of a speeding jet-boat.

I can feel the crispy cool refreshing mountain air brushing my skin with her soft feathery fingers.

We spent a lovely four days in Glenorchy after our tiring social Extravaganza in Queenstown, our home town.

It was wonderful to catch up with my friends Sunny and Indigo, Charlie, Mia and Alise. Lots of people we knew came and visited us at the extravaganza which was held on my old school grounds at Q.P.S, below the Gondola.