Tag Archives: Fire show

Te atatu

Whoa!! Rewind to Block house bay! I totally forgot to mention that on Sunday night I had my first burn on my new fire fans. It was so much fun!

Hot! Hot! Hot! Super tired and still sick after a very busy three day fair. With our truck still making those scary noises, we could not drive far. so we had to settle for the Tui glen N.Z.M.C.A park in Henderson. Much to the alarm of the buses already there (I was going to say white road maggots, but that would be very hypocritical after my last post) we managed to squeeze in to the tiny park.

We spent Tuesday chilling out, drinking ginger beer and playing naughts and crosses at lovely Falls Hotel just down the road.

The next two days were made up of school, swimming pool (right next door was west wave public pool), rest and play. A lady even came and told us to stop cracking our whip because it was frightening her dog (I guess it was nine o’clock).

Thursday we snuck on to the grounds late at night and woke up to a beautiful panoramic view of Auckland and the harbor bridge.

Image result for view of auckland from te atatu

Friday while the Extravaganza set up the Gypsy bakers donned their aprons and whipped up a delicious Banana cake ready for the weekend.

Te atatu is a suburb just across the water from Auckland, it was our first fair at these grounds. It was a hot, busy, successful weekend. We will be looking forwards to this one next year!

Saturday night all the Gypsies went to Spookers, leaving the Extravaganza airily quiet without their usual partying. That was spooky in itself!

So that was our unusually uneventful week. Bye!


Did you know that the Nelson area was settled by Maori 700 years ago? In 1841 Nelson was established by English colonists. It is the second oldest city in New Zealand and the oldest in the south island. Nelsons population is 46,437. Nelson is well known for its thriving arts and crafts scene.

Oh what weather, one minute bucketing down cats and dogs and the next throwing down from the heavens armfuls of sun-rays which fly around the sky as if they own the place. It poured with rain right in the middle of our last show, scattering the crowd. By the time we got back to the truck the cheeky sun-rays were leaping around the sky again!

My darling friend Jasmine had her ninth birthday with us at the Extravaganza in Nelson.

Two years ago we left Queenstown and headed for Motueka where we spent a lovely summer in Marahau. We then moved over the hill to Motueka where I went to the Steiner school before joining the Extravaganza.

Staying at Kina beach whilst in the area felt like coming home.

Ange my fire poi mentor lights me up. Thanks Ange!
Loving my first spin!

Oh I almost forgot, I did my first ever fire show with real fire poi. It felt amazing.