Tag Archives: House truck


Here we are in the mechanic’s yard AGAIN! Hopping in the car, buzzing excitedly, ready for lunch and M.O.T.A.T, the great museum of transportation and technology past and present. We were eating our lunch at Pita pit (not my choice!) when we got….. the phone call!!! For us it was a rather suspenseful, one sided conversation of Dad going “Mm hmm”, “OK”,”Yep”,”alright”,”If we have to”and “we’ll be right there!” It turned out we had to go back to the smelly mechanic’s yard so Mum and Dad could lift Mims cab (MY ROOM!!). Once the cab was lifted the mechanics got to work on the engine. This whole charade took up the entire day. No M.O.T.A.T for us!  The boys and I had to watch movies all afternoon in the boiling heat. So that was our “fun” Monday!

Luckily the mechanics were finished by midday on Tuesday giving us enough time to rush to our cousins place at Point Chev, park our truck and drive our car to M.O.T.A.T. It was worth it. M.O.T.A.T is amazing! They had a new exhibition called ” Above and beyond” about air travel in the future, including lots of interactive features.

We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the secrets of M.O.T.A.T . Everything was amazing from the rockets to the aeroplanes to the trains.

It was so inspiring, and we only saw about half of the museum! We will definitely be going back next year. I thoroughly suggest a visit!

We also accidentally stumbled upon the Tesla car showroom in downtown Auckland so we just had to pop in and have a look. The Lady (educator) told us all about the amazing electric cars. The model we looked is the fastest car in N.Z, able to accelerate from 0 to 100km in 3 seconds.

Wednesday was mellow, just hanging out at my cousins house and playing at the beach, but that night the fun started! We dressed up gorgeously and drove to the Civic theater in the middle of Auckland to see… Aladdin the broadway musical on its tour of the world.

Ready for Aladdin with my cousins Charlotte and Elsa.

To get there google maps(a.k.a mess up by Dad) took us over the Harbor bridge and back again instead of just going straight there! The Civic theater is incredible! The chandeliers, the ceiling, the walls, everything has statues of elephants and horses. In the actual theater the ceiling was a starry night sky complete with shooting stars from time to time! The walls were that of an Indian palace.

As for the show! It was the most amazing, smooth, stunning performance I have ever seen. There was even a live orchestra underneath the stage. Once the entire stage was filled with sparkly gold tap dancers! I was so inspired, I danced and hummed the catchy tunes all the way home.

Image result for aladdin the musical nz

The next day we traveled to Hamilton arriving late onto the grounds at Claudelands park. Friday we setup ready for a busy weekend. Busy it was, as well as being extremely hot and dry. I was as usual very tiringly busy working in the cafe and performing our shows.

That was our fun and hot (very hot!) city week. Bye!

East cape and Gisborne

Marae’s , majestic Maori carvings, expansive ocean, rocky cliffs, winding roads, so many horses, dilapidated houses, rusty broken cars and staunch friendly people.


House for rent. cheap!

This is what I saw out of our truck window while traveling the east cape.

When the locals heard about hotmail they realised they had to move with the times!

We traveled the east cape with Tiwai, Lette and Simone. We spent the first night at Waiou bay where we went to the Pub(the one from the movie boy) for dinner. Yum!

Afterwards we made a movie called girl.

The next day we moved onto East cape. We stayed at a beautiful camp ground(paddock) next to the roaring sea. That night it poured with rain. Drip, drip, drip, my roof leaks!  In the morning the sun broke out as we drove to the East cape lighthouse.

All on the road to east cape.

As Dad walked backwards to get this shot we all heard a loud “Bugger!”

Meeting a friendly local.

We had to walk up 800 steps to get to the light house!

A view worth 800 steps. As east as it gets.

I love churches! (I am not religious). We went to the Tiki Tiki church on our way to Anarua bay. I was so surprised to find a church completely filled with beautiful Maori designs. This church is a must see.

Anarua bay is a lovely place to stop. We stayed there a night and in the morning I did my school work then played and played at the awesome beach with Tewai, Lette and my brothers.

Finally we made it to Gisborne where we set up for another Extravaganza. On Saturday night we had a Goat potluck. It was Delicious.

Helen Stokes, the lady who kindly gave us her late Husband Murry’s magic props came to visit us at the Extravaganza and watched our magic show. Later she told us she had not been sure how she would feel to see his props in action again. Happily she found it wonderful to see them being used once more. Dad and I were delighted to have her come along.

                                         Helen Stokes visiting us at the Extravaganza.

That weekend was very hot and quite tiring. We all got quite grumpy, but all in all it was a lovely week/weekend.


“Who farted” I asked as we drove through Rotorua on our way to Taupo for a two day Extravaganza without Mum.

Set up and pack down was hard without Mum but Dad, the boys and I battled through it together. I ran the shop for dad while he made lunch and did jobs.

Unfortunately we could not do any circus shows because Mum was not there. So the boys got to relax and play all weekend while I did two magic shows each day. In one of my magic shows I stuffed up and forgot to pack the ribbon box, I’ll make sure not to do that again!

Adorable! Tiwai and Lette’s new kitten is soooo cute. Her name is Baba Kittylitter/Shadow. She is black allover and very small and sweet.

On Monday Mum came back from NZ summer pole camp, it was so exciting! She was all pumped and muscly! She brought chocolate mice, cats and frogs with her. They are so delicious!

After Taupo we met up with family at Whakamaru reserve alongside a dam on the Waikato river.

Uncle Brent, Auntie Daniela and my cousins Dominic (5 years old) and Samantha(2 years old) camped next to our truck. We dug paddling pools and made mountains.

We shifted a lot of sand! Dominic and the twins had a blast. Cute little Samantha adored me, She loved my love heart sun glasses.


Later that week we went to the Waikete thermal valley hot pools and soaked while it bucketed cats and dogs on us. Very relaxing!

Also there we went for a short walk to the biggest up-welling of boiling hot water in the country.

Next comes Rotorua famous for its stinky stench!


“Goodbye Queenstown!” I shouted with my head out the window and the wind in my hair.

We decided to take the crown range road. Mim our truck chugged valiantly up the steep winds and down the other side.

It was exciting!


We finally made it to Wanaka and set up in time for another extravaganza. I was sick but still managed to do all four shows a day.

On Saturday night we had a brilliant chocolate fondue party, Mummy somehow got chocolate spilt over her butt and Daddy “had” to lick it off. Embarrassing!

We have a tradition. Every morning our musician Karl plays revile while the gypsys (who ever can muster themselves) stand to attention saluting. In the evening its the last post.

Karl plays last post,


I met my old friends Vanessa and Vinne who I had played when I was five. We went out for dinner at their amazing giant house with lots of toys. the boys were in toy heaven! Whoops, when we came home we realised that we had left our two adorable Chihuahuas outside in the pouring freezing rain. They were shivering so much, so we snuggled them up against our bodies in bed.