Tag Archives: Mt Hutt

Christchurch Extravaganza

Late at night we arrived at the Christchurch working-mans club right next to the fair grounds and parked there also were Tiwai and Lettie! It was so good to see them again! We went to sleep and woke up buzzing with excitement, today was set-up for the Extravaganza! Driving into the grounds I raced outside and gave everyone hugs and kisses.

Then started the bustle of activity, just like Bees they buzzed around doing their busy Bee business, setting-up for the weekends Extravaganza! The weekend flashed by in a daze of new shows, wild romps and ended dramatically with most of the big trucks getting stuck including us! Again. Luckily we heaved on out leaving a trail of mud and destruction behind us.

For two days we stayed at the working-mans club playing with snails and an old shopping trolley.

                                                   Portable snail farm fun.


Then we moved on to Mount Huts Awa Awa Rata reserve which was home to some great bush walks through native bush.

                                   Foggy above the bush line at Mt hutt.

All and all Christchurch was an awesome start to the season and a great fair. See you next weekend in Ashburton.