Tag Archives: Orewa


“Rain rain go away, come back another day!” Orewa trickled in by dribs and drabs, wielding umbrellas and raincoats. Very brave of them!

Needless to say  Orewa was not our best fair. We got stuck in the mud again on our way out. And again a tractor had to help us.

We spent Monday at Orewa beach drawing mazes and playing in the sand, it was lovely! On the way back to Mim Dallas found a baby bird, but he had to let it go, so he cried, a lot!

Most of the other Gypsies headed to Hamilton, we went back to Auckland and stayed with the cousins again. On Tuesday we went to the Zoo and bug exhibition with my cousin Elsa. At the bug exhibition my favorite part was the Orchid Mantis dome and the Dragon fly dome. The huge model bugs were made by Weta workshop. An Orchid Mantis camouflages itself in beautiful Orchids and pounces on unsuspecting prey as it drinks nectar from the flowers. Dads favorite is the Jewel wasp, who when ready to lay its eggs, finds a cockroach, stings the part of its brain that controls its front legs so it can’t run away. It then does brain surgery on the cockroach removing its urge to run away, pretty much Zombiefying it. It then lays its egg on the cockroaches leg, so when the egg hatches, the larvae feasts on the living cockroach, leaving the vital organs until last to keep it fresh. Soooo disgusting! Yet fascinating. The Zoo was incredible too.

The next day we went wholesale crystal and fairy shopping. Crystal shopping makes me feel tired and starving because of all the crystal energy in the atmosphere.

My uncle Matt is the right man to stay with if your starving, he’s an amazing cook. Feeling well fed we headed for Hamilton and setup.

More rain on the way!

The Auckland region

We spent three weeks in the Auckland region it was very hot , busy and tiring!

Did you know that a third of the country live in Auckland? That would be 1.5 million, a lot of people huh?

We spent three days at Shelly beach on the Kaipara harbor, where the Great white sharks go to breed. So Mum was a bit nervous swimming.


We went fishing off the wharf with our Christmas fishing rods and caught 6 Kawai. Tasty!

Next we moved off to Matakana. We set up at the stables where there were lots of beautiful horses and a great playground!

It was the first weekend that was hot enough to enjoy our new Christmas swimming pool. Also Koco had her birthday party.

Following Matakana we went to Te Ari which is where the festival called Shipwrecked is held. Some other Gypsies went there too. The center piece off the site is a large timber boat hull upturned to make a shelter and sound shell for the piano positioned beneath it.

We also went swimming in the warm man made lake. It was really quite relaxing after our busy weekend.

Next it was off to Orewa where we were interviewed for the Rodney times, they did a good article on us which we hoped would promote the Extravaganza.

Gulf Harbor was that weeks hangout with a stingray to pat and snapper and king-fish to feed.

On Tuesday we caught the ferry to Auckland city where we drove to Kelly Taltons underwater world by shark bus. Later we took a bus to K road and walked down Queen street. We ate in restaurants all day, it was awesome!

Auckland saw the Extravaganza at Blockhouse bay. We set up at Craigavon park which is a lovely dog park with an awesome playground. We did three days of Extravaganza and had a lot of fun dressing up and playing. I had a bad situation with an adult who was not cool at all.       You know, not all adults deserve respect, they don’t just automatically get it just because we are kids. They need to earn it. Some Adults don’t deserve respect.