Tag Archives: Rotorua


“Now for the daily weather report with Dylan Daisy Ashton. Rotorua; light rain, heavy showers, sunshine, clouds, hot, cold, freezing, warm and windy, changing hourly throughout the weekend!”

We had a new and brilliant location right next to the swan spotted Lake Rotorua. Unfortunately the council had double booked our spot. Instead there was a small carnival in our place and we set up nearby. On top of that the council health inspectors came in special vests with video cameras, to shut down all our food and drink stalls. Our health certificate that had worked in every other town in New Zealand, some how did not work in Rotorua. I know, right? Ich weiBes schon gut(private joke). What beardy weirdies the inspectors were(they were all bald and bearded, even the ladies). 

Saturday night we visited the Carnival. It was… garish, gaudy yet extremely fun. My favorite game was the laughing clowns. You have five ping-pong balls to put in their mouths and see which number slot the ball goes into then add up the numbers and sum is the number of the prize you get. All of the prizes broke within two days. But that didn’t matter, we still had fun.

Like a $2 shop only its $5.

Our world travels never stop. Sunday night we visited Thailand in a stunning whorl of new and delicious flavors at Wild rice Thai cuisine on Rotoruas “Eat street”.

Monday morning after a short watch of Americas got talent, our new favorite morning habit, we wandered down to a small jetty. Out of the morning mist softly shrouding the lake, swans glided gracefully towards us and our bread. Squabbling and squawking they slowly ate all the bread as we drank our morning drinks(Hot chocolate, Tea, Coffee, Milo).  Bye!


Frogs! Frogs! Frogs! The one good thing about the fact that it was raining, still was all the ting green frogs hopping around. The Gypsy kids filled buckets with water, grass sticks and stones making habitats for the frogs that they caught. Mine was sir hops-a-lot. Can you see my handsome prince in the image above? Look closely. Thanks Julia!


The best part was… we actually didn’t get stuck!!! I know your probably clapping your hands and saying “Wow” with a touch of sarcasm in your voice, but I mean really it was “Wow!”

There’s a card game called Magic, its all the rage on the Extravaganza and I finally learnt how to play! Its very complicated. On Monday Mum and I went to get a deck for me. That’s when she got the phone call… saying that her Dad, my Granddad had Cancer and would have to be put on Chemotherapy! So she sped off to Auckland to go see him, leaving Dad, the boys and I going the opposite direction, to Rotorua.

We met up with my Cousins Dominic and Samantha and my Aunt Daniela and Uncle Brent at a holiday park in Rotorua.

My cousin Samantha. So cute.

We stayed there with them for three nights. It had three hot pools and one big “cold pool” which was really very warm.

On the Tuesday we visited Wakarewarewa the living Maori thermal village. They actually live on a geothermal field with steam vents, boiling hot mud pools and crystal clear murderous waters where they cook their Kai (food).  We enjoyed sweetcorn cooked this way. Occasionally a geyser bursts from the ground inside someones house, forcing the residents to abandon house. Maori have lived there since early times.

Awesome hosts, beautiful songs and dance.

The next day Dad persuaded us to go for a walk in the pouring rain through the red-woods. I got soaked It was horrible! But I have to admit very beautiful. Afterwards we quickly jumped into the hot pool back at camp to warm up. mmmmm!

Mountain biking was our next adventure for the week, at the Rotorua mountain biking park. We had so much fun until I fell off going down a very steep bumpy root covered hill. There was an ear splitting scream, then I realized it was mine! I had sprained my thumb and heavily grazed my elbow and knee, Owww! I had to walk my bike all the way back to the car-park from the middle of the humongous bike park. I was not impressed.

Next we moved off to Tauranga. I wonder if I will be able to perform in our shows this weekend? Oh well. Bye!