Tag Archives: Ulva island

Invercargill and Rakiura Stewart island

My brothers are now five years old. Can you believe it? It seems that just yesterday they were sweet little un-annoying babies. But now they are sweet annoying five year old little boys and I love them very much. Their birthday party was on Saturday night in Invercargill. This year the theme was Magical Realms, the boys were Dragons and I was a Mermaid!

Sunday night we left the grounds and parked at Auntie Sheryll and Uncle Petes house. Monday was just a rest day, we went shopping did school work and played games.

Early Tuesday morning we drove our truck into drop off at the Mechanics (it had failed a C.O.F)  then sped off to Bluff to catch our ferry across the Foveaux straight to Stewart Island Rakiura!

When we arrived some of the school kids came to meet us at the wharf, surprisingly one of them was a girl I used to go to school with when we lived in Queenstown. Her name was Tai. A local guy named Luke drove by and realized that we needed some help transporting our gear so he gave us his truck for the day leaving his credit card and money on the dashboard. Everyone there was so kind and trusting! We stayed at Pania and Daves downstairs appartment. It wasn’t very big but it was comfortable with a big flat screen T.V.

The next day at lunch time we drove down to the school(after watching some morning T.V) and performed our shows for the community.

Our Magic at Halfmoon bay.


On Thursday our last day on Stewart Island, we crossed on a ferry to Ulva Island to celebrate Dads birthday. As we were going off track to have a birthday picnic, we came across something incredible, a Kiwi! It was waddling around the bush eating grubs and insects. Then it spotted us and ran thundering through the trees. It really was quite fast. We followed it for a while then stopped for our picnic. I can imagine what it would be like picking one up, their soft fluffy fine feathers tickling my skin. But I have to say I don’t think their sharp pokey beak or their long sharp talons would be very nice to cuddle.

After Ulva Island we went Kayaking with Phil around Hope, Faith and Charity, three islands. But what if I were I to say there is four? What is the forth one called? I’ll let you figure it out.

The next morning we got up early and drove down to the ferry. Rakiura was amazing , but we were happy to be going back to Mim(our house truck) and onwards to Queenstown.

I guess we were a bit a bit tired after Rakiura!

We arrived in Invercargill got the truck and we were on our way! Uh OH! The clutch wasn’t working. Back to the Mechanics for us. They fiddled with it and we were off again! Queenstown here we come! Uh Oh! The clutch wasn’t working again, back we go! Mum and I got the boys from the truck and raced off to Queenstown leaving Dad and Mim in Invercargill. What will happen next? Find out in the next post of Dylans life.