Tag Archives: Winter

High School!

I went to high school for 7 weeks! At first it was very scary and I was quite shy of the hundreds of teenagers. Then I got used to the hoards of hormonal teens, I got used to all the tik tok girls, and all the fortnite boys, and actually made friends with a few of these strange creatures. It really helped that most of my friends from Steiner school ended up at M.H.S (Motueka high school).

Wearing a uniform is so annoying!

At Mot high you have; your core class, your form class, and your options class’s.

  • Your core class is your main class in which you get randomly placed, since I am only going there for a term I got to choose what class I wanted to go in. You do Maths, English, Social studies, Science and PE with different teachers and different classrooms.
  • Your form class is where you go for for 15 minutes before morning tea, so your teacher can read out the school notices. once again it is totally random which class go get put into.
  • Lastly your option class’s! These are the class’s that you can choose e.g. woodwork, food-tech, drama, dance, art, ect… I chose Drama and Food-tech. In food tech we made bliss balls, stuffed kumara, salsa, nachos, naan bread, calzones, and chicken laksa, so goooooood!

Every year they have a talent competition called Talent Quest, anyone can enter but only a few of each category (Singing, Dance, Variety and Drama) get into the finals. I entered with my whips and hula hoops, and got into the finals! Unfortunately Covid sprung up again in Auckland and we all went into level 2, Talent Quest was postponed by two weeks😢.

When it finally came it was so much fun! Unfortunately the school was a bit unsure of what to do covid wise, first they said that it would only be filmed and have no audience. Then they said that any Mot high students who wanted to, could come to “keep it in the bubble” which doesn’t make sense surely the parents should be able to come, as they are also in “the bubble”. Anyway….. There was some awesome talent, and it was very entertaining to watch! I really enjoyed preforming on an actual stage with spotlights, curtains and all.

Sorry for the blurry pic!

I cant believe we are going back on the fair tomorrow! This has been one looooooooong winter!! I enjoyed this winter, I learnt how to hula hoop in quarantine, I had time to work on the magic show fully and the circus show, I went to high school, I even got payed $100 to preform a fire show, for the kindergarten on Matariki! But nevertheless I still can’t wait to travel again, and see my Gypsy family!!!

Our beautiful new signage! Thanks Andre Vegas!!
Our new magic trick❤
Practicing our awesome new show😘
A brilliant action shot😂

That was my Winter Blog, I hope you enjoyed it!

Love Dylan Daisy❤

Winter in Motueka

After an awesome 7 month season on the road we spent a couple of weeks slowing down and getting back into school. We kissed goodbye to our 2018 shows by tossing the remains of our end of season flowers into the resurgence and remembering. We were already planing new shows for the coming season.

Then it was time to plan my birthday party. We hired the hall at riverside for a sleep over and silent disco. My whole class was invited. It was fabulously full of crazy games and yummy food!

 We quickly got into a settled routine of school, making up new Magic and Circus shows and training for them. Weekends were more training , bike rides and trips to the beach etc. Mum and Dad were busy preparing for the next season. Dad fixed my room which had been leaking, our rooms were re-floored, the inside of the truck painted and lots of other maintenance done.

A week in Golden bay during school holidays.


My class on talking statues night. I was Kathrine Hepburn.

Singing Mama Mia with my B.S.F (Best sister forever) Jasmine.

We moved into our friend Chrissy,s house for a couple of months which was fun as I got to share a room with my B.S.F Jasmine. Dallas and Jaz joined me at Steiner school for the 3rd term and loved it. This would be my last year at Steiner school. Our school play was fabulous as was our ski trip.

My class play “The ice throne” Big thanks to my wonderful teacher Margot!

Skiing at Rainbow with Zuva and Magot. I love skiing!

After a few months in one place we were all excited to get back on the road again. Mum and Dad had everything ready just in time. We had yet to do a full dress rehearsal of our Circus show but time was up.  Season 5 of the Extravaganza here we come!


Winter in Motueka

Winter is a welcome holiday for us Extrava-gangsters. We fill it with buying stock, preparing our shop, maintaining our truck and for our family, making our new shows and practicing them. Not to mention going to school. Well sort of a holiday! The boys had their first day at school and it turned out… they loved it! Mean while I was loving being back at Rudolf Steiner my old school. It was great to see all my friends again, they welcomed me back with open arms and hearts. I had a lovely time.

                                           My classmates and I at a Hockey tournament

To begin with we stayed at kina beach. We said goodbye to last seasons shows with a ceremony involving throwing our end of season bouquets flower by flower in to the ocean.

After a couple of weeks we moved to Marchwood park (motor caravan camp ground).

Soon my birthday appeared on the agenda, so we planned a pretty primo party. It involved most of my class taking the ferry from Mapua to Rabbit island with our bikes. We then cycled along the trail to meet up with Mim (our truck) where Mum had set up a party. We ate, played and partied for the afternoon finishing by cycling back to the ferry.

                                                          Playing Port / Starboard

A month later Mum’s birthday came around. We decided to do something special with her. We packed up the car and headed to Golden bay to walk into Wharawharangi hut for a night. Mum and day had their usual mid winter swim in their birthday suits! We lit a fire on the beach (below the high tide line), toasted marshmallows and had a wonderful time. Happy birthday Mum!

A few weeks later we were back in Golden bay for the school holidays, this time with our truck. Daisy beach and Wharawhariki beach were the highlights of our trip.

                                             Cooking sausages over the beach fire


Over the five months in Motueka I enjoyed weekly Dance and Drama classes.

A lot of thought and practice went into our new magic show. Dad and I took Latin dance classes. Poor Daddy!

We also practiced our family circus show about three times a week which was not always easy outdoors in winter.

In September as a late combined birthday present Mum and I flew to Auckland to see in spark arena………… P!nk!!!!!! It was the most inspirational, sensational, performance I have ever seen! She is such a strong amazing woman.

With the end of winter came my school play and my Drama class play. Both high on my list of priorities as when I grow up I would like to become an actor. The school play was a stunning success (surprisingly as we wrote it ourselves). It had me staring as Julia the love struck roman princess. The title was Ludus Roma (roman play). Thank you to all my classmates and our devoted teacher Margot.

In my Drama class play we all got to create our own characters. My character was the sassy Clarissa De Vain, a detective.

                   Clarisa De Vain

The play turned out to be fabulous. The last performance was the night before set up in Christchurch, a tight squeeze. After the play at 9pm we drove the two hours to Murchison, stayed in a cabin then continued with the four hour drive to Christchurch for setup.

Whew what a busy winter! Now back to the Extravaganza. Bye!
