The Extravaganza is a traveling festival/market my family travels with and performs at. Very col0urful  and fun. There are currently about 34 house trucks and buses in our group. There are children of various ages traveling with their families. The stalls range from a shooting gallery to massage, palm reading, an art gallery, hand made herbal health and beauty products, a blacksmith, funky clothing, yummy food (including candy floss of course) and much much more!

Having “The Extravaganza” as our group name gives us a full licence to dress as extravagantly as we please. Many of our group make the most of this freedom by dressing up. As you can see it suits me just fine.

Dogs are popular with us gypsy’s. Between us we have many dogs and one poor besieged cat😂.

Gypsy’s love music (the understatement of the year!) so we have a full time musician, the captain (Karl) playing on our funky solar powered stage all day. He also MCs the day with ad lib humor and jokes, some of which are even funny!

The captain also organizes “old school” games such as musical beanbags, tug-of-war, wooden horse races and sack races.

We have a full day of entertainment, apart from our Ashton family circus shows and my magic show we also have a fire show. This starts off with our youngest gypsy kids on practice gear. Next come older children with fire gear. Finally the adults appear with all the fire toys including (my Dad) juggling.

Some times we have guest performances during the day. These have ranged from Belly dancing to Morris dancing.

At 4 pm we open the mike to the public. This can reveal some wonderful local talent.

All of this is free to come and see!

Come and see us when we get to a town near you.

Love Dylan ❤

A New Zealand travel blog By Dylan Daisy