
“Goodbye Queenstown!” I shouted with my head out the window and the wind in my hair.

We decided to take the crown range road. Mim our truck chugged valiantly up the steep winds and down the other side.

It was exciting!


We finally made it to Wanaka and set up in time for another extravaganza. I was sick but still managed to do all four shows a day.

On Saturday night we had a brilliant chocolate fondue party, Mummy somehow got chocolate spilt over her butt and Daddy “had” to lick it off. Embarrassing!

We have a tradition. Every morning our musician Karl plays revile while the gypsys (who ever can muster themselves) stand to attention saluting. In the evening its the last post.

Karl plays last post,


I met my old friends Vanessa and Vinne who I had played when I was five. We went out for dinner at their amazing giant house with lots of toys. the boys were in toy heaven! Whoops, when we came home we realised that we had left our two adorable Chihuahuas outside in the pouring freezing rain. They were shivering so much, so we snuggled them up against our bodies in bed.

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