
The Paihia fair was extremely hot and way busier than we had expected for our first time there. We will definitely be going back next season.

On Monday we trucked it to Hohora heads campground via lunch at the Manganui fish shop who claim to have the best fish and chips in New Zealand. They were not to bad.

At the campground we walked down to the beach and met a family pulling in their drag net. Inside flapping around were scores of Piper. Piper are small slender and silvery, about 30cm long. Strangely their mouth is above their swordfish like bills. We helped gather them into a bucket. They are so cute! Image result for piper fish

Tuesday Mum and the boys went to Ninety mile beach while I made an amazing three course Mexican dinner party. It was a luxury to have the truck to my self while I cooked.

Here’s the Menu. Starters; Cauliflower popcorn with Hummus  and tortilla chips. Main; baked baby potatoes, and mini Mexican pizzas. Dessert; dark chocolate mousse with honey crackles. All this was accompanied a large jug of icy cold Pinacolada(non-alcoholic). I laid this all outside on a mat with Mexican music. It was a special family occasion enjoyed by all!

Wednesday we went adventuring up to Cape Reinga, to the lighthouse. It was the first time for us kids.

After a yummy picnic of leftovers from my Mexican meal, we took on the Te paki sand dunes. First climbing them(worst part) then boogie boarding down the 140m dune(the scary part). I wisely wore my swimming goggles because the cheeky wind whipped sand into my face and tried to steal my boogie board.

Dressed for dessert travel in swimming goggles and socks for hot sand.


It became a big day as we decided to drive back to Rainbow falls for a fresh water swim. By the time we got there we were too tired and it was too cool for us to swim. Lots of sand in our beds that night!

We made the long haul to Whangarei on Thursday and met up with Tiwai, Lettie and Simone whom we hadn’t seen for three weeks due to their bus breakdown. It was so good to see them again. To celebrate we went to see “How to train your dragon 3” at the cinema.

On Friday we setup, then in the evening went on a bike ride around the marina loop track in search of an ice-cream shop, coming back empty handed, we had one at home. Life’s tough right? But as our family motto go’s “Make the best of it!”

This has been one of our more active weeks and we are all looking forward to chilling out, which is not going to happen! Bye!

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